About Us

"To provide the best Chinese education solution!” is the original intention of WISE team.


Seeing the various problems and deficiencies in Chinese education for overseas children, several immigrant parents who have been in the education and Internet industries for many years became the earliest initiators of WISE. They gradually absorbed and formed a great team —— Chinese and Western Advantageous multinational education experts from the field of child development, international Chinese language education experts from top prestigious schools, Chinese language leaders from top elementary schools in China, product leaders in the online education industry... Their background are different, but the reason to join WISE is generally the same.

They firmly believe that excellence in teaching quality is the cornerstone of an educational institution's long-term development. To this end, they minimize the cost of marketing and promotion, and spend almost all their energy in the construction of teaching quality. Maybe they don't have a perfect marketing campaign, but they are committed to making every class a favorite of children!


Starting from the layout of each text, the production of each page of courseware, the design of each game, the selection of each  rhyme and music, what they are doing is to revolutionize the traditional Chinese teaching model! It is also under such persistence that a scientific, complete, online Chinese teaching system that combines Chinese and Western advantages, as well as fun and knowledge, was born.


In order to let every Chinese child get a better Chinese education experience, we also chose the most cutting-edge "online small class" teaching mode, which can not only significantly improve children's concentration, but also help break regional restrictions and make the best teachers link to more families worldwide.


"Take roots in Chinese and stand on the world’s  stage“—— this is not only the hope of Chinese immigrant parents, but also the mission of WISE ! In the future, if the children are fortunate to be able to learn Chinese and Western cultures and step onto a larger international stage with their solid cultural heritage, that will be WISE team’s greatest honor as parents!


Learn Chinese with WISE !​