11classes Payment Policy

Payment Policy (Last Updated on 9 October, 2020)

This payment policy ("Payment Policy") governs the Payment Services (as defined in the 11classes Terms) provided by 11classes to you.

1. Key Terms for Payment Services

"Lesson Fees" or "Package Fees" means the amounts that are due and payable by a Student for confirmed language lessons that have been given by a Teacher. The Teacher alone, and not 11classes, is responsible setting the amount of the Lesson Fees or Package Fees.

"Service Fees" means the fees 11classes charges to the Teacher when using 11classes Connection Services.

"Payment Method" means a method or service available on the 11classes Platform by credit card, debit card, PayPal.

2. Lesson Contract

Upon confirmation of Teacher Services, time, and price by both the Student and 11classes, such Student and 11classes shall be considered as entering into a contract, pursuant to which the Student agrees to purchase, and 11classes agrees to deliver, the Teacher Services (the "Lesson Contract"). You agree not to enter into any contractual provisions that conflict with the 11classes Terms or other 11classes Policies. The Student and 11classes each covenant and agree to act with good faith and fair dealing in performance of the Lesson Contract. Furthermore, the Student and 11classes each acknowledge and agree that the value, reputation, and goodwill of the 11classes Platform depends on their performance of the foregoing covenants and agreements. The Student and 11classes therefore agree that 11classes has the right to take such actions with respect to the Lesson Contract, including without limitation suspension, termination, or legal actions, as 11classes in its sole discretion deems necessary to protect the value, reputation, and goodwill of the 11classes Platform.

2. 11classes's Rights Regarding 11classes Accounts and Funds

2.1 Security and Financial Fraud

As a security measure, 11classes may impose transaction limits on some or all Students relating to the value of any transaction or disbursement, the cumulative value of all transactions or disbursements during a period of time, or the number of transactions per day or other period of time. We will impose these limits before any services are rendered if we determine it is necessary for security reasons or the prevention of fraud.

2.2 Prohibition on Friendly Fraud

"Friendly Fraud" is when a person initiates a fraud dispute with a payment provider, claiming that their credit card (or other payment method) was not intended to be used. Because 11classes does not offer refunds, users that disagree with the policy have tried to use Friendly Fraud to receive a refund.

In the case of honest mistakes, 11classes can reverse the transaction. We strongly advise Students to contact 11classes Customer Service to resolve any financial disputes.

3. Prohibitions

You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for compliance with any applicable laws, rules, regulations, and tax obligations that may apply to you in connection with the use of the Payment Services. In addition, you may not and you agree that you will not:

11.   Violate any local, state, provincial, national, or other law or regulation, or any order of a court, such as money laundering and internet fraud or theft;

  1. Use the Payment Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by this Payment Policy;
  1. Use the Payment Services to transmit, distribute, post or submit any information concerning any other person or entity, including without limitation, personal contact information or credit, debit, calling card or account numbers, or photographs of others without their permission;
  1. Register any Payment Method or Withdrawal Method with your 11classes account that is not yours or you do not have authorization to use;
  1. Attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any 11classes system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;
  1. Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by 11classes or any other third party (including another Member) to protect the Payment Services;
  1. Forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting, or in any way use the Payment Services to send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information;
  1. Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Payment Services;
  1. Use credit cards or other payment methods fraudulently;
  1. Advocate, encourage, or assist any third party in doing any of the foregoing.

11classes has the right to investigate and prosecute violations of any of the above to the fullest extent of the law. In addition, and as set in this Payment Policy, 11classes may take a range of actions against you, including but not limited to limiting access to your 11classes Account and any associated Payment Services, for a violation of this Payment Policy.